Do you feel like you are keeping up with all the technological advancements that are occurring today?
If I had to guess you have multiple electronic devices, which include: IPhone, IPad, Laptop, and even an ITouch. Do you ever wonder where we would be if we didn’t have all of these devices? Many of us are so dependent on using them for personal or business purposes and can’t go without them for even one day.
Due to these advancements in technology my practice has kept up as well by offering virtual fitness coaching to my clients. Now more than ever individuals are searching online for solutions to fight their aches & pains, improve their posture, and prevent injuries. If you are this person who is suffering from feeling achy, stiff, or want a new exercise program than contact me for a virtual coaching session. I am now accepting clients for virtual coaching and this could be you’re lucky day to feeling as healthy and alive as ever!
If you are unsure if virtual coaching is for you then please check out this recent testimonial from one of my virtual clients:
Our Skype sessions are just as informative and useful as when we have met in person! He is so diligent in checking up on me and caring for my well-being, both during and outside of our sessions, and I would recommend him to anyone who is looking for a healthy recovery or improvement in their daily lives" - Kenzie
As always, if there is anything I can do to make this experience more enjoyable please don’t hesitate to contact me. Until then, exercise safely and always listen to your body!
Are you interested in virtual coaching with ryan krane?
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"I have been struggling with chondromalacia in both knees for a few years now, and I have not been able to see any steady, evident progress until I started seeing Ryan. What sets him apart from other therapists in this field is that he is so specific with what he wants to..." Read More